Pelvic Inflammatory Disease

Pelvic Inflammatory Disease (PID)

What is PID?

Pelvic Inflammatory Disease (PID) is an infection of a person's reproductive system: uterus, ovaries, fallopian tubes and vagina. It is most common in sexually active people under the age of 25, but can occur in any person with these organs. If not treated, PID can cause serious health problems such as infertility, pain with sex, increased risk of ectopic (tubal) pregnancy, illness or even death.

What causes PID?

PID is usually caused by bacteria that travel up the vagina into the uterus and fallopian tubes. PID can be caused by sexually transmitted infections such as chlamydia or gonorrhea, as well as bacteria that are not sexually transmitted. People at highest risk for getting PID include sexually active people under age 25, people who have more than one sexual partner or their partner has multiple sexual partners, or people who douche (insert water or cleansers into the vagina). Having a prior episode of PID increases the risk of having it again. There is a small risk of PID immediately after an IUD insertion.

What are the symptoms of PID?

Symptoms can vary from mild to severe. Mild symptoms may go unrecognized by people and their health care providers. It can take a few days to several weeks for someone to develop symptoms of PID after being infected.

Symptoms can include:

  • Abdominal pain or cramping in the lower abdomen
  • Painful intercourse
  • Vaginal discharge with a bad odor or unusual color
  • Fever and/or chills
  • Pain when peeing
  • Unusual vaginal bleeding or bleeding with sex

How is PID diagnosed?

There is no one lab test to diagnose PID. Patients are usually tested for chlamydia and gonorrhea. Diagnosis is based on the symptoms and tenderness on a pelvic exam. Because the consequences of untreated PID are so serious, healthcare providers often treat patients who might have PID before tests return, recognizing that some patients may have another condition that is causing their symptoms.