At the Student Health Center, you can get treated, get better, and get back to your life. We specialize in caring for college-aged patients like you. We know you’re starting to make your own choices about your health, and you don’t have a lot of time to spend waiting to see a doctor.
We get student health
Looking for a same-day appointment?
Check back the morning we open for more same-day scheduling options. View available times and book using our online scheduler.
Can’t schedule online?
If you’re unable to find your visit reason in the online scheduler, if you need to schedule a CAPS follow-up appointment, or if you just prefer to talk to a scheduler, give us a call.
Find a phone numberDo you identify as LGBTQ+? We’re here for you.
We know this can add additional stressors. Our Gender Affirming Care Team is here to help you.
Learn about LGBTQ+ care at the Student Health CenterHave you experienced sexual assault? Do you need to talk to someone?

You can contact the Sexual Assault Crisis Service (SACS) any time of day or night. We’re here to help. Talk to a trained counselor at 812-855-8900.
Learn more about SACSNeed a doctor’s note?
Does your professor require a doctor’s note to excuse you from class? Find out why the Student Health Center does not provide medical excuses, and learn how to explain this to your instructor.
Read our medical excuse policy